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Radial Ring Magnet

  • Ridial Ring Magnet normally used in high speed motors. The traditional magnetic rotor is wrapped by several independent curved magnets. They are working good in low speed. But as the speed goes up, the unbalanced weight of each magnet will cause the vibration of the rotor rotation.
  • In the Situtation, we need a magnet ring, instead of individual magnets, which has also several poles, N-S-N-S... in the cycle

  Direction of Magnetization

    Suggested Size of Radial Ring Magnet

If any dimension of the ring magnet listed below is out of range, the magnetization work will be hard to guarantee:

Ø  Outer Diameter(OD) > 150mm
Ø  Inner Diameter(ID)<10mm
Ø  Thickness(T) > 10mm

This dimension tolerance is wide to see in the market and we can reach best cost-efficiency:

Ø  Outer Diameter(OD)<50mm
Ø  Inner Diameter(ID)>10mm
Ø  Thickness(T) > 2~5mm
Ø  Height(H) < 8~10 x Thickness(T)


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