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    Rubber-coated Clamping Magnet

    • Rubber-coated Clamping Magnet is made by strong NdFeB magnet, encapsulated by rubber to isolate the magnets, in the purpose of corrosion protection, vibration release, etc. it's used for fixing the undersea cables, lifting, balancing system of wind tower, heavry lifting and fixing, pressure sensor, life application and so on
    • Please find more stardard specification below
    • For other sizes and force value not listed here, please contact us for more information

      Data Sheet of Rubber-coated Clamping Magnet


Type Dimension Force Weight Max. Working Temperature
D H Tread Pulling Shearing
(mm) (mm) (N) (N) (g) ()
ZCM50-2206 22 6 M4 50 12 12 80
ZCM60-2206 22 6 M4 60 15 15 80
ZCM85-3106 31 6 M4 85 17 20 80
ZCM90-3106 31 6 M4 90 20 25 80
ZCM100-4306 43 6 M6 100 30 32 80
ZCM135-4308 43 8 M6 135 53 40 80
ZCM180-4310 43 10 M6 180 77 56 80
ZCM250-6608 66 8 M8 250 85 103 80
ZCM300-6610 66 10 M8 300 100 143 80
ZCM455-6615 66 15 M8 455 141 165 80


      Brilliant Technical Ideal , assisting to save some cost:


       Data Sheet of Holding Magnet(without rubber coat)                  


Model Contacted Lifting Force (KG) Dimensions(mm)
MFL-9 Ferrite 9 30 10
MFL-48 Ferrite 48 60 20
MFL-116 Ferrite 116 90 30
MFL-200 Ferrite 200 120 40
MFL-48 NdFeB 48 30 10
MFL-96 NdFeB 96 40 15
MFL-150 NdFeB 150 50 20
MFL-184 NdFeB 184 60 25
MFL-300 NdFeB 300 70 30

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