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Solution & Example

    [Solution]      Balancing between gluing effect and eddy current

    [Example]      Magnet for wind turbine and driving motor


Balancing Between Gluing Effect and Eddy Current


Magnet for Wind Turbine and Driving Moter

Project 1magnet for wind turbine


   1+20ºC                                    2+60ºC

         Br = 1.35 T                                 Br = 1.3 T

         HcB = - 1040 kA/m                  HcB = - 950 kA/m

         HcJ > 1350 kA/m                      HcJ > 950 kA/m

                                                               HK > 920 kA/m

2. Tolerance of Br and HcB within +/-1%

3. Coating material and thicknessNiCuNi+Epoxy ISO12944,C3 Highor C4 low

4.    Surface apperance

①no crack and hole allowed on the surface of magnet

②the total weight of burrs and cracks on the edge shall be within 0.5% of magnet weight

5. Anti-corrosionHAST testIEC 68-2-66130C/95% humidity /pressure 2,6 barafter 240hrs, weight loss<3mg/cm2

6.    Tracibility on each magnetwith 2D bar code

Project 2magnet for marine driving motor



           Br≥ 1.35T

           HcJ≥ 1273kA/m

           HcB≥ 1010kA/m


           Br≥ 1.30T

           HcJ≥ 800kA/m

2.    Tolerance of Br and HcB within 3%

3.    Coating material and thicknessNiCuNi+Epoxy ISO12944,C3 Highor C4 low

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