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Magnetic Lifter

  • Magnetic lifter is widely used in the industry of mechanical processing, like mould-built facility and machining facility. Normally the lifting prower is provided by strong NdFeB magnet which will make the removal of metal sheet easily. There is a hand shank to switch the magnetic power on or off.
  • Please find more stardard specification below
  • For other sizes and force value not listed here, please contact us for more information

      Data Sheet of Magnetic Lifter


Model Nominal Lifting Force Max. Breakaway Force Dimensions(mm) Net Weight
(KG) (KG) L B H R (KG)
MLF-50 50 150 60 40 45 110 2
MLF-100 100 300 90 62 72 142 3
MLF-200 200 600 125 85 85 150 6
MLF-400 400 1,200 160 100 180 160 10
MLF-800 800 2,400 210 110 130 220 30
MLF-1000 1,000 3,000 260 150 150 280 40
MLF-2000 2,000 5,000 340 160 160 400 60
MLF-4000 4,000 10,000 480 200 200 520 120
MLF-6000 6,000 15,000 660 360 360 720 360

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Website designed By Huizhou Newland Magtech Corporation(惠州新兰德永磁科技有限公司)
Copyright to Huizhou Newland Magtech Corporation(惠州新兰德永磁科技有限公司)