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Magnetic Coupling

  • Magnetic Coupling works in the magnetic drive pumps, which transport volatile, flammable, explosive and toxic liquid. Different with traditional Mechanical Coupling, the Magnetic Coupling transfer the power(torque) with zero contact. The magnetic Coupling is widely used for chemical material processing , food industry , pharmaceutical industry and so on
  • Newland can provide customized design and manufacturing, from 0.1Nm to 1000Nm with enduring all various of environmental factors like acid, salty and high-temperature.


       Cross Profile of Disc Magnetic Coupling


      Distribution of Magnetic Force Line

       Torque Curve

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Website designed By Huizhou Newland Magtech Corporation(惠州新兰德永磁科技有限公司)
Copyright to Huizhou Newland Magtech Corporation(惠州新兰德永磁科技有限公司)